How To Protect Your Brand On Social Media

As the old saying goes, with great power, comes great responsibility. In an age…

What Is Personal Branding Really?

This morning, while casually munching on the leftovers of my junior bacon…

Social Media & Rise of the New Prosumer

The world is changing. FAST. For the more astute among us, we know a simple…

6 Quick Re-Branding Tips For Success in 2016

Tell People Who You Are, They Will Believe You As a child, like many of us,…

Death To The Resume: Social Recruitment Is Better

A few days ago, I decided to upgrade my cable and wi-fi package. The…

5 Powerful Tools To Help You Win At Social Media

The old adage that says, "a person is only as great as their tools", while not…

Purple Finger Selfies: Social Media & The JLP’s Election Upset

On February 25, 2016, ballots were creased, cast and counted and the Jamaica…

Winning At Public Speaking In 3 Easy Steps

For some persons, public speaking is right up there with the Zombie Apocalypse…

9 Benefits of a Powerful Personal Brand

A brand is what people say about you when you aren’t in the room -  Jeff…